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What has Harborcreek Historical Society been up to lately?

Harborcreek Township Community Days occurred at the end of June. We drew four winners of items raffled by the Society, as well as met with many area residents who viewed the historic photographs we had on display.

We’ve been watchful waiting for the Harbor Creek School District decision to keep Clark and Klein Elementary Schools open. The board decision was to renovate and not close one of the schools, both of which are named for prominent HC educators, Fred S. Clark and Edith King Klein.

Erie Yesterday’s DiscovErie Passport program for 4th grade students interested 26 Erie County students and 42 visitors to meet us between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Students did a scavenger hunt among items displayed in our office and received a sweet treat.

The Class of 1962 held their 50th Reunion.  HHS volunteer Eileen Kriner narrated a Township Tour of historical spots on September 8th. Class arrangements were made by Carol Moser Perrotto.

Society hosted a Member Picnic at the Wilson Picnic Grove on the campus of PSU Behrend. Guest speakers for the Perry 200 Commemoration were Corrine Egan and Joyce Savocchio.

The Harborcreek Chamber of Commerce sponsored Harvest Day at the Community Park on Firman Road.  On October 6th we were there for the family-centered event!

HHS office hours are on Wednesday from 1-3 pm and Saturday from 10 am to noon.  If you have an hour or so to volunteer at an event or at office time, we would like to hear from you.

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