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By-laws revision proposed

It has been nearly 30 years since the Society was first organized, and many significant changes have taken place since then, most notably our move into the Gifford-Blanchfield House. As the Board of Directors planned for the future of the organization in this beautiful new space, it became evident that the Society’s by-laws needed to be revised or amended.

To access a copy of the by-laws that are being proposed for adoption later
this year, please download them here. Please read the by-laws and provide comments by July 31, 2021. You can share your comments by email at, or by phone at (814) 899-4447.

Printed copies of the current by-laws (approved in 1994) are available at the Society’s office, should you like to compare the existing by-laws with the proposed ones.

The Society’s membership will be asked to vote on the revised by-laws at the membership meeting August 14, 2021 at 10 am at the Harborcreek Township Building next to the Gifford-Blanchfield House.

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